Top 5 Questions to Ask During an Interview

When searching for a new job we usually start focusing on how to answer our potential employer’s questions, but have you thought about what questions you need to ask? Don’t worry, many people forget this crucial step. Between nerves and a plethora of new information being thrown at you, it’s good to go in with a question game plan.


One: “What does a typical day in this position look like?”.

This is the perfect question to help you gather as much information as possible about the position you’re hoping to fill. Do the responsibilities fit your skill level? Are you willing to follow the position’s guidelines? This is where you’ll find that out.


Two: “What do you think are the most important qualities a person needs to have to excel in this position?”.

This question can lead to valuable information that was not in the job description. It helps paint a picture of the company culture (hello Google nap pods), and helps you understand where you fit within that culture.


Three: “What improvements or changes do you hope the new candidate will bring to this position?”.

This question shows an eagerness to succeed, as well as, please. It also illuminates why the position is open and how you can best impress your new employer.


Four: “Is there anything about my application that concerns you?”.

This may seem like a scary question, but trust me, you want to know what your potential employer is thinking about your resume. At this point you’re a product that they potentially want to buy, this is a great opportunity to ease any concerns they may have, sell yourself, and spin any negatives into positives.


Five: “Have I answered all of your questions?”.

You do not want to leave your interview without asking this question. Your attention to detail and eagerness to learn more will not go unnoticed.


Now, get out there and land that dream job!